Our Mission
The Camarillo Art Center is a non-profit, volunteer organization that promotes interest in the visual arts and creates awareness and appreciation of the arts in Camarillo. The Center maintains a gallery for local artists and art students to present their work to the public, as well as utilizing the Center to develop various programs. These programs include classes, workshops and demonstrations, judged contests, and special events to foster the arts in and around the community.
It was in the Fall of 1969 that members of the newly-formed Camarillo Art Club decided they needed a gallery to showcase their paintings. As fate would have it, Mr. Roland Vazquez — whose mother had been a member of the Art Club before her passing — had a building that would work perfectly for the club. Less fortunately, high rent and bad luck made it near impossible to find a space to house the property. That is, until 1971 when one George Powell informed the group of a small parcel of land (only .14 acres) that had been left over from other various community projects. For the price of exactly one dollar, the Camarillo Art Club was presented the deed.
It took over a year of renovations and fundraising but finally — in February of 1973 — the Art Center was able to host our first official meeting to celebrate Valentine’s Day. We have been meeting here ever since.
The Camarillo Art Center currently runs thanks to the generous donations of the local community. If you would like to support us, please feel free to contact us at camarilloartcenter@yahoo.com.