Thursday Mornings hosted by Arline, the Camarillo Art Center will be open from 10am to 12pm . $0 Member, $5 non-member, She wants to give people the opportunity to come hang out, work on art projects and just have fun getting to know new creative people. Please bring own art supplies. contact Arline at 805-388-3527 leave a message.
2025-02-0617:15 - 19:15 Camarillo Art Center, 3150 E Ponderosa Dr, Camarillo, CA 93010, USA
Beginner and intermediate Watercolor Class is held on Thursday Evenings 5:15-7:15pm.This is a drop in watercolor class designed to help a beginner and intermediate to have fun letting the watercolors flow. You will start to learn watercolor techniques and how to let the painting develop. Everyone paints at their own skill level. A new subject every week. Some basic supplies will be on hand if you just want to try it out for fun...
The cost is $5 for members, $10 for non-members, and an additional $5 for supplied paint and paper. A supply list is available at the class or you can contact Kathy for more information at
2025-02-0809:00 - 13:00 Camarillo Art Center, 3150 E Ponderosa Dr, Camarillo, CA 93010, USA
These classes are designed to introduce the public to gourd art. We cover various topics such as the history of gourds, gourd uses, types of gourds, cleaning and samples. We have limited tools and art supplies on hand as well as gourds for purchase. There will be demonstrations on painting techniques, carving, burning and weaving.
Classes are $20 to 30 (cash) per session, on the 2nd Saturday of each month from 9 am - 1 pm Contact Kathleen at for questions and to RSVP!
Thursday Mornings hosted by Arline, the Camarillo Art Center will be open from 10am to 12pm . $0 Member, $5 non-member, She wants to give people the opportunity to come hang out, work on art projects and just have fun getting to know new creative people. Please bring own art supplies. contact Arline at 805-388-3527 leave a message.
Thursday Mornings hosted by Arline, the Camarillo Art Center will be open from 10am to 12pm . $0 Member, $5 non-member, She wants to give people the opportunity to come hang out, work on art projects and just have fun getting to know new creative people. Please bring own art supplies. contact Arline at 805-388-3527 leave a message.
2025-02-2017:15 - 19:15 Camarillo Art Center, 3150 E Ponderosa Dr, Camarillo, CA 93010, USA
Beginner and intermediate Watercolor Class is held on Thursday Evenings 5:15-7:15pm.This is a drop in watercolor class designed to help a beginner and intermediate to have fun letting the watercolors flow. You will start to learn watercolor techniques and how to let the painting develop. Everyone paints at their own skill level. A new subject every week. Some basic supplies will be on hand if you just want to try it out for fun...
The cost is $5 for members, $10 for non-members, and an additional $5 for supplied paint and paper. A supply list is available at the class or you can contact Kathy for more information at
Thursday Mornings hosted by Arline, the Camarillo Art Center will be open from 10am to 12pm . $0 Member, $5 non-member, She wants to give people the opportunity to come hang out, work on art projects and just have fun getting to know new creative people. Please bring own art supplies. contact Arline at 805-388-3527 leave a message.
2025-02-2717:15 - 19:15 Camarillo Art Center, 3150 E Ponderosa Dr, Camarillo, CA 93010, USA
Beginner and intermediate Watercolor Class is held on Thursday Evenings 5:15-7:15pm.This is a drop in watercolor class designed to help a beginner and intermediate to have fun letting the watercolors flow. You will start to learn watercolor techniques and how to let the painting develop. Everyone paints at their own skill level. A new subject every week. Some basic supplies will be on hand if you just want to try it out for fun...
The cost is $5 for members, $10 for non-members, and an additional $5 for supplied paint and paper. A supply list is available at the class or you can contact Kathy for more information at